A Dirty Black Lie: “It’s the White Man’s fault!”

In all of the years of my life, I have never encountered a group of people more blaming than the one I’m genetically associated with – African Americans. I’ve encountered other groups, whether in the neighborhood, educational institutions or in the office environment, and this characteristic of blaming is more prevalent among African Americans, than any other group. Where does this “devil made me do it” mentality come from? The biblical reason suggests that it began in the Garden of Eden, where Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent (i.e., the devil) for their sin and disobedience toward God. Of course, this reasoning leaves all of mankind guilty of the same blaming mentality. However, for African Americans today, it began in earnest, after the era of the Civil Rights movement in the 60s.

An era of entitlements and handouts gave birth to the welfare and blame-game mentalities that nearly destroyed an entire community throughout America, if it were not for some black and white leaders who boldly spoke out against these mentalities. Though, they did not speak out enough in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong. The Civil Rights movement was a necessary and worthy cause for its’ time, shedding light on the hypocrisy of white America and enlightening them to the fact that yes, “All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” But, after those rights were secured for African Americans (e.g. desegregation and voting rights, etc.) it seemed to open the door to a new monster of equal rights, eventually leading to animal and gay rights and immigration rights, if you will.

These rights nurtured further change in America, suggesting that its’ history be rewritten to represent a pantheon of beliefs, cultures and policies. This approach encouraged every citizen to complain more, to blame more and to receive more, whether earned or unearned. Sadly, this mentality is most prevalent in the African American communities throughout America today. I hear it while in the office, while commuting on the train to the office and within the confines of my own extended families. It’s the same words all the time: “It’s white America’s fault that we’re in the predicament we’re in.” Granted, there was a time when African Americans were extremely discriminated against and disenfranchised from prospering in every venue of life, as it were. But that time has long since passed.

For the first time in American history, we have a so-called black President in the white house. So-called because he’s only half black, and has no real stake in the “black experience” in America. In fact, Dinesh D’Souza suggests that our President has “Virtually nothing in common with Black America.”[i] Although, he still represents major progress in American equality and race relations, since even “half-breeds” (mulattos) were also discriminated against, though to a lesser degree. To the President’s credit, he has never made an issue or defense of race like other so-called black leaders who have made millions working the system and playing the race card over the years.

Black progress in the pre-civil rights era pales in comparison to black progress today.  Who can deny this?  Yet, there are those today who persist in playing the race card and blame game, if not for attention, certainly for millions of dollars.  Some of them on a lower level in society are just ignorant, shiftless and irresponsible black men who choose to stay at home and complain instead of choosing to vote or work hard toward success in their own lives. 

Sadly, the black blamers and race carders at the top influence the ones at the bottom, perpetuating the problems in the community, offering “dirty black lies” instead of offering solutions to the problem.  Larry Elder, indicates, “. . . the black so-called underclass . . . are not helped by the angry, pessimistic rhetoric of those who claim to operate in their best interests.”[ii]  There is no wonder that the divorce rate and having babies outside of wedlock among black teens and young adults has increased substantially over the last 40 years!  There is no wonder that drugs, abortion on demand and gang violence has nearly destroyed a race of people in the same amount of time.

[i] Dinesh D’Souza, The Roots of Obama’s Rage (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2010), Kindle Location 220.

[ii] Larry Elder, Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card—And Lose (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2008), Kindle Location 98.


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The Black Reparations Scheme (Scam)

  • There’re no Slaves or Slave-Masters alive today who could “legally” justify reparations:

If a distant family member of mine was a serial killer responsible for dozen of murders 50 years ago, should I personally be held responsible for his or her crimes? Most thinking people would conclude absolutely not. However, there are those whose logic would suggest otherwise, perhaps arguing that the criminal’s descendants must settle the score. But, is this fair to the “individuals” who committed no crimes and lead a decent lifestyle as a law abiding citizen?

The same can be said for the crimes of a government and its’ people with regards to slavery and reparations — Should the government and individuals today be held accountable for the misdeeds and crimes of a previous generation, even if there are no slave-drivers or slaves today? Furthermore, should so-called descendants of slaves who are not slaves themselves be afforded reparation payments for the ills of a far gone generation, whose descendants shouldn’t be responsible for past crimes of its’ ancestors?

Since the Emancipation of slaves and affirmative action more than a century later, many Black folks have successfully weathered the storms of Racism, Segregation, Jim Crowe, Black Codes, The KKK, Black Disenfranchisement, etc., to become some of the most successful and prosperous people on the planet, including millionaires, billionaires and not to mention, president of the United States. In essence this is a form of reparations and payment for past ills at the hands of our government.

It’s more prudent at this juncture in history for Blacks to continue to demonstrate an independent resolve toward personal and “individual” responsibility, accountability and advancement, without the need for more unnecessary handouts. This commands a sense of respect instead of perpetuating the stereotype of laziness and dependence. This writer would rather see Black folks go down in history as defying near impossible odds against them through a personal and collective sense of self-determination, toward their “own” success, as many of them have done and are doing presently. Black Reparations seems to thwart this.

  • Descendants of Slave-Owners have more rights to reparations “legally” than descendants of Slaves:

Slavery was legal at one time in our nation’s history. Laws were in place to justify its practice. Did that make it right or moral? Absolutely not! There are many laws in place even today, which skirts or play deadly close to common moral and ethical standards. What’s legal is not always ethical or morally acceptable by some standards (e.g, biblical and or religious standards).

Nevertheless, when the laws of the land are in place, it is still a crime to break them because breaking them defies the legality of those laws. That’s why following Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and the freeing of slaves, slave owners themselves were given reparations for the loss of slave labor during a messy civil war.

Whether this was wrong or right is not the point. Laws were in place and later nurtured, to support legal reparations for slave owners. Hence, technically speaking, descendants of slave owners whose ancestors did not receive their reparations following the war have more rights to it than descendants of slaves, since laws were in place to justify both slavery itself and slave owners’ claims for reparations following the abolishment of slavery.

Back then the slave “trade” was a legal business opportunity, which effected the economy in a big way. Laws were in place to support its practice and wealth potentials, until the Lincoln administration (and others, both blacks and whites) highlighted its moral and ethical dilemmas, and fought against its continuity. But, slaves and their descendants have no “constitutional” or “legal” rights to any form of reparations because of slavery.

They do however have a moral right to exist and advance equally, under laws that have been amended to support their “basic” human rights.

  • Black Reparations is merely a scheme of the Democrat Party to gain Black votes and stay in power:

For the past 60 plus years in our nation’s history and following the civil rights era, we have seen a growing dependence on government assistance among black folks. The reason for this, in part, stems from LBJs civil rights polices as president, who himself has been credited with the words, “This will keep them [i.e., Black folks] voting Democrat for a hundred years.” It should be mentioned that he is credited with many racist comments about blacks.

The point is, it’s no secret that LBJs “scheme” of entitlements for Blacks disguised as civil rights policies, was meant to keep Black folks utterly dependent on the government and specifically to keep them voting Democrat, “for a hundred years.” This scheme has broadly succeeded. The results? If you’re a parent, you already know that teaching your children responsible and accountable behavior is part of their overall growth into adulthood (e.g., future parenting, employment, social and community obligations, etc.), in order to become upstanding and respectable citizens.

To shirk this parental duty creates a community with no sense of obligation, responsibility and accountability. It teaches them instead that, the world or the government owes them something and nothing is ever their fault. Furthermore, it instills within them a spirit of laziness, which leads to a sort of “welfare” and “slave” mentality. Hence, the government eventually becomes their masters, as they become totally dependent upon it like a slave, while voting Democrat, “for a hundred years.”

Now, let’s turn to how this is brilliantly connected to, or applies to the reparations scheme, called for by Democrats today. LBJ and the Democrat Party has at least 50 plus years of the 100 years predicted for Black folks to continue blindly supporting their dead-end and debilitating policies. Perhaps the promise of reparations and other “free stuff” will get them the other half, short of Black voters realizing the scheme for what it is — More Black votes and continued political power with absolutely no improvement in the Black community.

So, it appears that the Democrat Party is merely continuing its’ decades old scheme or scam to deceive black voters into supporting policies that have always kept them back and perpetuated a slave and welfare mentality of dependence and self-destruction. Thank God for the #Blexit movement and the likes of Candace Owens of whom God has raised up to lead many Black folks away from this madness and out of the Democrat “Slave Plantation” Party.

We could only hope that this movement continues its’ momentum throughout the coming campaigns for office and the next presidential race.

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Black Religion:  Pimps in the Pulpit

“Then a certain scribe came and said to Him, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”” (Matthew 8:19-20 NKJV)

A lot of our black churches in America (not all) are filled with a disgusting sort of religion that stinks in the nostrils of Almighty God, ready to be “spewed” out of His mouth any second as an utter insult to Christ and the true Gospel message.  Some of its’ apostate pastors, preachers and prosperity teachers are paid extravagant salaries, while rolling around in expensive cars and clothes, some of whom talk and behave as if they have never left the streets of sin.  Their ridiculous excuse as they twist the scriptures to their own destruction, is such that Solomon lived an “abundant” life and that the New Testament writers and the Lord Himself encouraged a lifestyle of materialism.  Nothing can be further from the biblical truth.  They totally dismiss the fruit of the Spirit and the exemplary life and teachings of Christ and His Apostles about riches and the true meaning of an “abundant (spirit-filled) life in Christ.”  Furthermore, they are clueless about the hermeneutical value of scripture, misleading (pimping) their flock to give as much money as possible, while believing that God wants them to be rich along with their pimp, even though Christ Himself says “How hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the Kingdom of God.” (see Mark 10:24)  Additionally, Jesus Himself exemplified a humble non-materialistic lifestyle, totally dependent upon God to provide for Him and His flock, as demonstrated in the opening passage above and His feeding of 5000 men besides women and children (see Matthew 14:13-21).  He had nowhere to lay his head, such that even the birds of the air and foxes with holes had better living arrangements than He did.  

Now tell me, are these pimps in the pulpit following the example of Christ, pimps like the so-called “Preachers (pimps) of L.A.” and other Mega-Money false prophets?  Are you supporting and following one of these pimps and their Mega-Money churches, allowing them to pimp you and your mind away from Christ and the true Gospel message?  Furthermore, Is Christ alone uplifted, honored and glorified during their services in such a manner that folks in the audience see Jesus only and are convicted of sin, righteousness and judgment, then drawn to trust Christ, love God and live accordingly?  It has been my sad observation that some of the members of these churches are so focused on the pimp behind the pulpit that they lose sight of what it means to be a Christian, one who follows Christ alone.  A lot of their members sit in the pews with their girlfriends and boyfriends, pretending to be married, while being sexually active outside of wedlock.  They seem to be quite comfortable with it too, since the preacher-pimp rarely (if ever) teach on the sacred institution of true marriage, perhaps afraid that he’ll lose a big offering.  Most of them show up to services as though they’re attending a fashion show, instead of coming to worship the God of the universe.  Some of these pimp churches even have special seats near the front for those who give the most money to the preacher-pimp’s cause.  May as well sell tickets to the show.

“But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:26-27 NKJV)

The sheep who hears the voice of Christ, as He bids them to come out of Black Religion into the arms of the Savior are the ones who eventually see the light and believe.  They are “drawn” to please and honor God alone, not man.  They seek the Spirit’s guidance into all Truth.  They are shown by the Spirit, the unfruitful works of darkness among those who deny Christ for riches, while misleading and pimping His flock.  If you are caught up in this Black Religion and are reading this, one of two things are happening right now:  (1) You hate what I’m saying, passing it off as insensitive gloom and doom teaching, while you remain in the darkness of Black Religion and its’ pimps or (2) The light has turned on in your head, and the Spirit of God has quickened your spirit to bear witness to His Truth, as you begin your escape from Black Religion into the arms of Jesus, to live as He and His Apostles demonstrated.  On the other hand, if you choose to not believe, you are not of Christ’s sheep and He does not know you, and you have no intentions to follow Him anyway.  The sad implication here is that if you’re not of His sheep, you “can’t” (i.e., you have no ability to) believe because you already belong to another, though God’s grace is still eternally available through Spirit influenced repentance – The miracle of salvation.  The bottom line is this:  Most of the Black churches in America and especially the commercialized Mega-Money ones whose leaders fleece and deceive their flock with unscriptural teachings about riches and materialistic living, are not fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ in their ministry.  Instead, they are putting on a dance and pony show worth millions.

What exactly is this Great Commission they are not fulfilling?  Well, Christ Himself commanded His disciples and those who followed after, to (1) Make disciples, (2) Baptize them, (3) Teach those disciples to observe (follow and practice) all that He taught them and to (4) Always acknowledge His authority, presence and preeminence among man.  When you’re sitting in the pews in front of your pimp-preacher, ask yourself this question, “Is my preacher’s ministry fulfilling this Great Commission given by Christ to the Church (see Matthew 28:18-20) or is it doing something else? “  Another question you might ask is, “What exactly did Christ and the Apostles teach of which I should follow and practice?”  For that, you’ll need to dig deep into God’s word for a more definitive answer, trusting God’s Spirit to lead you into all Truth about real abundant living in Christ and the accompanying fruit of the Spirit.  Start with Galatians 5:22-23 and Ephesians 5:9.  Understand that the moment you put your faith in Christ alone, instead of another man and his ministry, this fruit will manifest itself in your life and God’s Spirit will open your eyes to the deception around you.  Furthermore, Christ’s Great Commission and the Apostle’s teachings will become your most desired path, through which you will be able to discern good teaching from bad among those claiming to be His servants.  No longer will you be a gullible spiritual whore, buying into every wind of false doctrine.  The Spirit of God will walk alongside you to guide you into all Truth, appropriate to your growth in His infinite grace.

“You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!” (James 2:19 NKJV)

Let’s clarify something.  Simply saying you believe in God or the Lord Jesus, but living as though they don’t’ exist, is not real faith.  It is merely a cliché that attempts to gain His favor, and fails utterly at doing so.  God is not pleased with what you believe in, especially since “even the demons believe and tremble” yet they are doomed to eternal destruction.  In fact, there are many in the pimp churches that are just like the demons.  They believe, while practicing gross sins like shacking up with one another before marriage, and having premarital sex outside of wedlock, indulging in drugs as well as pornography.  They are irresponsible and unaccountable and their pimp-pastors are afraid to hold them accountable with scripture, for fear of losing an offering.  Furthermore, his members are afraid of the commitment of marriage anyway, so they choose to mock God instead, even as they attend their Black Religious services each week, as though that somehow excuses their sin.  Granted, there are some powerful bible-believing Black congregations in America, whose ministries follow the Great Commission’s goals and whose fruits bears witness to the Spirit’s work.  Sadly, most of the mainstream ones, the household named ones are a part of this Black “whorish” Religion, which pimps and fleece the flock with demonic tales of “getting rich” and “living abundantly” outside of the example of Christ and His Apostles.

The above passage implies that there are doctrines of demons (e.g., demons believe and tremble).  Black Religion’s “prosperity theology” is in fact a doctrine of demons, not taught by Christ or the Apostles, but delivered from Satan himself.  The Apostle Paul said to Timothy, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.” (see I Timothy 4:1).  If that’s not enough to convince you, I don’t know what is.  So far, we have seen that Jesus offered the Great Commission to the Church as a whole, indicating His sole authority and preeminence over man in the Church.  We have also seen how Jesus and the Apostles warned us of doctrines of demons that are contrary to this Great Commission and the Apostle’s doctrine.  Therefore, it follows that any other attempt to honor God outside of the Great Commission and the Apostle’s Doctrine, is a flawed and demonically influenced one.

Again, if you are stuck in the bowels of Black Religion and it’s doctrines of demons, there is hope for you.  The hope lies in simply but boldly coming out of it and allowing Christ to rule and reign supreme in your life.  Flee the doctrines of demons while there is hope!  Find a Bible believing congregation where Christ alone is uplifted, honored and glorified above all, and where His teachings and that of the Apostles are the main course, and is the only focus of study, toward an abundant and “Spirit-filled” life in Christ.
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Mighty Men of Valor:  Responsible and Accountable

It may seem far-fetched to associate bravery and boldness with behavior that is both responsible and accountable, but perhaps not. Look at it like this: Staying inside of a box that has limited you to a certain way of thinking, then stepping out of that box to view things more closely and critically, represents a bold and brave move. How? Well, for starters, it invites conflict from those who choose to stay inside of the box, and you’ll have to deal with that, but that’s okay. Furthermore, this move represents personal responsibility on your part, that says, “I am going to think and do for myself now.” After you start “thinking and doing for yourself” accountability becomes second nature, as you begin to realize that you are “personally” responsible for your own actions and are in control of your own destiny.

Now, imagine the total opposite: You don’t have to think for yourself. You’re in a box where someone or something else thinks for you. They feed you all that you need, and you blindly follow their lead. Just turn on the television and watch mainstream news, or listen to a good looking politician with eloquent words of hope, or an educated friend who’s already bought too deep into the box to escape. They all tell you the same thing without you giving it a second thought because after all, they’re “good” people with your best interest at heart and history has proven your ancestor’s misfortune in this country. In essence, they tell you, nothing is ever your fault. You were just born into an unfortunate world that seeks to keep you down and deprive you of your so-called birthright. Imagine further that they tell you because of this misfortune, those people actually owe you something whether you have earned it or not. Imagine this leading to policies that nurtures such thinking, while offering certain guaranteed rights and entitlements.

What type of behavior do you think would emerge from this sort of “inside-the-box” thinking? It will produce a people who are utterly irresponsible and lacking in their ability to account for any wrongs they have done. It would curtail their natural drive to work hard at realizing their own personal potential. It will encourage them to “blame” someone or something else for their misdeeds and misfortunes instead of owning up to it and working hard to achieve their greatest personal potential. In fact, it will encourage them to identify with and blindly support political and religious leaders whose mismanagement of policies and people demonstrates the same irresponsibility and lack of accountability. This has clearly been the case, the last few generations and today it is happening more broadly than ever.

So, I would offer the idea that “educating” our younger generation (18-35 in age range) about appropriate conduct and the need to take ownership of their own lives, toward realizing their own potential through aggressive self-determination. Perhaps, in doing so, others who have escaped the misfortunes of their past to take hold of their lives can come together as mentors, to form non-partisan associations specifically designed to counsel, encourage and motivate those who have bought too deep into the box and its’ hopeless way of thinking. This by far is no suggestion of a one size fits all solution, but is merely an idea (among many) worth investigating, especially since the last 60 plus years of entitlement policies was broadly unsuccessful at lifting the “average” black person out of poverty. Instead, it has nurtured hatred and racism among black youngsters, most of whom are without vision, purpose or a conscience. Furthermore over the last several decades, it has instilled a welfare and slave mentality of dependence, rather than to breed Mighty Men of Valor who are Responsible and Accountable for their own lives. Under the current circumstances, who could honestly deny the dire need to change course in the way we think about black progress, today?


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Becoming a Man:  Putting away childish inclinations 

What saddens me almost more than anything else, is the influence of the Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap culture on our younger generation today.  There was a time when I listened to and joined in with the music and its’ culture of dress and vernacular, regrettably.  Though, this was before stepping outside the box myself.  In fact my generation represents the beginning of the Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap culture, which in my opinion is the reason behind the deterioration of values in the black community, the last 25 plus years.  This led to a lack of class, quality and progress among many blacks today.  Granted, some used the culture to get ahead and they never turned back, but let us not forget the thousands of lives that were negatively affected by the guns, drugs and promiscuous sex, which are clearly glorified by the culture itself.  I recognize however, that there are some very talented Hip Hop and Rap artists whose musical and entertainment expertise offers a positive alternative to most of the garbage that’s out there, and I commend them for it.  Nonetheless, who would deny the dominance of Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap’s dark side, born of Satan himself, as it were.  Take a look around you.  Go to any hood, and you’ll see what I mean.  They’re certainly not sitting around planning bake sales for charity.  Satan was the lead musical angel in heaven who sang around the throne of God, before he was banished to earth for his rebellion, becoming the full embodiment of evil.  Where do you think his greatest influence is today?  Well, I’ll let you do the math.

What’s just as sad as witnessing the younger generation of teens and young adults in their 20s influenced by the dark side of Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap, is seeing brothers in their 30s and even much older in their 40s, still entrenched in the lifestyle of gangs, drugs and illicit sex.  They refuse to change, while teaching (directly or indirectly) the younger generation to live the same way.  They complain about the system not working for them, as their excuse, when there are others like them who have worked hard to defy the statistical odds in their own lives. So in reality, they are without excuse.  They choose to remain in the box created by an era of entitlements and handouts, which resulted in the welfare and slave mentalities of dependence and blaming we see today.  This is obviously the reason for some of the attitude, thinking and behavior that is exhibited among black folks today, especially average black folks in the hood and its’ connecting communities.  It is a sad state of affairs when men refuse to grow up from a lifestyle that prevents their growth and progress.

I have family members and friends who either love or hate me for this approach, but It matters not to me, one way or the other, since I refuse to be in the box with them.  I hope to pull as many of them as possible out of the box, by offering an alternative way of thinking about their situation away from mainstream thought and 50 plus years of bad cultural indoctrination:  No, the white man is not keeping you down any longer.  This is the 21st Century with a black man in the oval office, not the 19th and 20th  Centuries with slaves in chains.  Yes, you can realize your greatest potential and dreams if you work hard at it.  No, you’re not a special people with a special birthright.  All of God’s creatures are His and are special to Him, and are in need of His grace and mercy, including you.  Yes, you are responsible for your own actions and must be held accountable for what you do.  It is no one else’s fault but yours.  Man up!  No, no one owes you anything.  Your hard work and diligence alone is your ticket to success.  Yes, you are in control of your own actions and your own destiny lay in your own hands, short of government overreach against your personal liberties and the inalienable rights given to you by the Creator Himself.  If you are bold enough to view your life through these lenses of personal responsibility and aggressive self-determination, instead of dependence, blaming and defeatism, then personal growth and fulfillment is guaranteed for you. 

While financial or material success is not guaranteed, the tone for it is certainly set, and the sky is the limit for you because there’s no one holding you back but you.  It’s harder to sit and do nothing when there’s no one else to blame but yourself.  As long as there’s something or someone else to point the finger at (e.g., the system, the white man, the police, the government, etc.), you feel justified in living an irresponsible and uneventful (lazy) life.  But, when the buck stops with you, you feel compelled to man up and get it done (at least you should).  There is no greater feeling (with few exceptions) than that which instills pride and confidence in a person’s life as they decide to reach beyond their own complacency and expectations, in order to realize their greatest potential.  Growing into real manhood, not just physically, but mentally, spiritually and intellectually is the beginning of true human growth.  Therefore, step outside of the box of bad cultural indoctrination and mainstream thought to embrace a new and improved you:

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

(I Corinthians 13:11 NKJV)

Man up and put those childish inclinations of blaming away from you and submit yourself to taking hold of your own destiny through aggressive self-determination!


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The Slave Mentality

Dean's Blog

The Slave Mentality

Originally posted on April 10, 2010 by Dean:

I have often been told, because of the “no frills” stand I take against the “Welfare Mentality” in our communities, that I’m just a “House-Niggah” who have blindly bought into White America and its “Slave Mentality.” However, the real slave mentality seems to be a dependence upon a system created to keep a certain group in check. I have only sought to speak against this, by exposing a behavior in our communities, which perpetuates both the “Slave” and “Welfare” mentalities, taking us back a couple of hundred years in the process.

This dependent behavior I speak against takes on many forms. First of all, it is demonstrated through men who refuse to work, yet complain about the system not working for them, and are totally dependent upon the system nonetheless. They abuse tax dollars, as they sit at home…

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Deadbeat Daddies, Loud Mouth Mamas and Kids without a Conscience.

Deadbeat Daddies

The black community is laced with so-called men who beat their women and children, refuse to work while complaining and blaming the system for their misfortunes. These same deadbeat daddies are the ones who abandon their children and refuse to pay child support. This irresponsible behavior in black men leaves them unworthy of a proper father’s day honor today. Now, don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of good black fathers out there who stand by their families. These are the ones worthy of honor, and we wish them a very happy father’s day. But, if you’re a so-called dad who sits at home and complain about your plight, yet refuse to do anything about it out of sheer laziness and irresponsibility, there is no honor left for your kind.

Hence, If you’re one of those abusive clowns who run around, sleeping around, doping and liquoring up, you deserve no honor, you deserve no praise – You deserve correction instead. Look at your self. In fact, look at your life in the mirror. Is that the man you want to be, the rest of your life? Is that the man you want your children to grow up “dismissing” and wanting to forget about? Surely, you can do better than you’re doing. God has given you the means and resources around you to become a better father, a better man. Fortunately for you, it’s not quite the end of the road and you have the wherewithal to change the script. As hard as it may be to swallow your pride and reach out for help, you must, since it is your only hope for true honor and for gaining the respect of your family.

God intends for a greater you, a better man that glorifies Him and who secures more of His blessings by doing the right things. There is no honor or true blessing in being the man you currently are. There is great honor in being the man God intends for you to be. There are a wealth of examples around you, if you’d only look. Swallowing your pride and accepting this correction toward a greater existence, toward more blessings is the best thing you could do for your family right now on this day of honor.

“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” – (I Timothy 5:8)

Loud Mouth Mammas

The black community is full of deceptive and mouthy mammas, who don’t complain as much about the system, as deceptively working the system to their advantage, whether the system is the government or a man they choose to humiliate and/or dishonor with their mouthy ways. This mouthy and dishonoring behavior can be traced all the way back to our first mother in the garden of Eden. She partook of the forbidden fruit first, encouraged (dishonored) her husband to do the same, then turned around and blamed the serpent for her irresponsible behavior after she was discovered. Of course, there are great women of honor in our community, who deserve the badge of Proverbs 31’s virtues.

This is the woman who honors her husband and cares for her children properly, a woman who “opens her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” But oh what utter distaste it is for a man to mingle himself with a woman who’s mouth, deceitfulness and rebellion knows no bounds. They pride themselves in speaking out like a loose cannon, as though that is somehow cute and a virtue, not realizing that it is no virtue and that it stinks in the nostrils of a holy God. They teach their daughters to be the same way toward men by their example. Worse yet, they teach their sons to be weak men of irresponsible behavior, causing them to eventually hate and mistreat women.

The only cure for the mouthy mamma is found in the bible text, Proverbs 31. This is God’s prescription. If you are one of these mouthy mammas whose bickering and rebellion knows no ends or bounds, He intends for a greater you. He has made available to you in His word and in other very powerful examples around you, a way of escape toward honor, respect and true virtue. He understands that as a woman, you face more adversity than a man sometimes, and that you feel you must fight harder to make a difference or gain the respect you certainly deserve. However, real men respect real women and real women are found in the bible world, not the world around you. A woman of biblical virtue and practice will attract the honor and respect of others, causing them to practically bow down, as it were.

“It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling [mouthy/contentious] woman and in a wide house.” – (Proverbs 25:24)

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life . . . She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” (Proverbs 31:10-12, 26)

Kids without a Conscience

Now I’m not going to get all traditional and old fashion to say what old people usually say and that is, ‘Back in my days, we had a healthy respect for authority and one another.’ Garbage! The truth is, there are shortcomings and adversities in every era of human history, from the garden of Eden to the grave! However, we are seeing an alarming increase in a lack of respect for self and others among our younger generation. Could this be due to a lack of the same in the home among parents and siblings? Perhaps. Success and respect begins in the home where it’s foundation is, so it follows that a parent’s example and instructions will determine a child’s future relations. Hence, if a deadbeat daddy smokes and drinks around his children, mistreats his wife through infidelity and abuse both verbal and physical, or abandons them through irresponsible and lazy behavior and defeatism, what does that teach his children.

Furthermore, if a Mouthy Mamma sits at home, bickering complaining, rebelling, contending and insulting men all day, what kind of daughters will be produced from this, except those without a conscience who will rebel against the system and treat good men badly, running them off, while ending up alone like their mothers? Though there are some children who defy these odds, many do not, and end up as compassion-less human beings without a conscience as it were. The bottom line is this: Respect and success begins in the home, where healthy relationships are nurtured and exemplified through the parents. So, it follows that most (not all) failures are due to bad parenting.

If a man loves and respect his wife, his son will likely do the same to his future wife. If a woman honors and respects her husband, her daughters will likely do the same to her future husband. Sadly, our homes are producing kids without a conscience instead. Television, social networks and video games have desensitized them away from reality and compassion. Bad relationships in the home has further nurtured this. This has effected learning ability in ways that has changed our place in the world, educationally. Since the problem begins in the home, that is exactly where the solution is. We must monitor and limit activities in the home, that contribute to this breakdown, encouraging hard work and business before pleasure.

Furthermore we must spend quality time with our families in the midst of life’s monotony and rush. It is imperative as parents to practice good relationship behavior as an example to our children. This will train them and teach them how to treat themselves and others with godly respect and compassion.

“Train up a child in the way he [she] should go: and when he [she] is old, he [she] will not depart from it.” – (Proverbs 22:6)


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I’m Back!

Greetings followers, fans and foes!  I’m back!  Let’s get this blog thing going again.  After all, it is a prelude to a hot book I’m writing and hope will be published.  Stay tuned!  You don’t want to miss this week’s blog, hot off the Word Press!



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Happy New Year – 2013!

A new year is upon us.  A time for reflection and course change is in order for some of us.  Take no consideration of the negatives from the previous year, except to learn from them and to not repeat them.  The future is what we make it, and no other power can shake it.   We must take an innovative risk this year toward prosperity and greatness!  We must reclaim our identities and our God-given rights to excel!  Never give up!

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On Herman Cain – Skeletons In the Closet

First of all, who among us is without any skeletons in the closet? Some may do a better job at hiding it than others until their “sins eventually find them out” but no one is without blemish, unless they want to claim a sinless nature as was the case with the Lord Jesus Christ, the “only” God-Man to ever walk the earth without sin and error.

Granted, when seeking the highest office of the land, one is held to a higher standard, ethically and morally, and if caught with their hands in the forbidden cookie jar, should in fact suspend a bid for that office, as did Herman Cain recently. On the other hand, I’m sick of the media and some politicians who enjoy seeing a man’s reputation ruined and run through the mud as though they themselves have no skeletons.

If we were to put their lives under a microscope, covering from birth until now, there is no doubt that we would find many questionable things, which doesn’t align with their claims as ethical leaders of morality. Furthermore, the Herman Cain situation is pure politics, NOT an honest effort at protecting the American people from a possibly bad statesman who could possibly take office and ruin America.

Why wasn’t this dirt uncovered before he sought office? Answer: Politics! Another answer is that he was the only candidate whose ideas (in my humble opinion) catered to the common working-class people, instilling promise for a better America than we have now. But, he was becoming too popular to the American public, and somebody had to cut him short.

Personally, I didn’t really care to know what he’s done in his personal life. It’s none of my business. All I care about, and really what every American should care about, is whether or not a candidate is capable of leading us out of the mess we’re currently in, under the current administration. Herman Cain is a very successful businessman and is quite capable of doing this, short of his own very grave indiscretions. But again, who doesn’t have those?

“He that is without sin, let him be the first to cast a stone.” – John 8:7


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